Dennis D. McDonald ( from Alexandria Virginia. His services include writing & research, proposal development, and project management.
I attended a session about “net neutrality” called Preserving the Open Internet: Is a Consensus Emerging? convened on February 23, 2010 in Washington DC by the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF).
Craig Thomler’s Make government data freely available neatly lays out, from an Australian’s perspective, a discussion of how the public can benefit if government agencies make raw data available for access by individuals and organizations who then analyze or present that data in a useful way. These points are from Thomler’s conclusions:
On September 10 USA Today ran a story called Cable channels undergo TV make overs that reviewed the pressure the cable TV industry is under as subscription growth slows and programmers seek to attract new viewers through means such as sexing up individual programs, renaming old networks to appeal to broader audiences, and playing around with what individual "tiers" include.