Website copyright © 2002-2025 by Dennis D. McDonald. From Alexandria, Virginia I support proposal writing & management, content and business development, market research, and strategic planning. I also a practice and support cursive handwriting. My email: My bio: here.

"Housing Complex C" (anime series)

"Housing Complex C" (anime series)

Review by Dennis D. McDonald

This 4-episode anime horror series makes good use of diverse elements including a secret underground chamber, an isolated seaside village stuck in time, a shifty group of characters we suspect from the start may not be who they appear to be, clashing cultures, ancient and scary folklore, and a cute little girl who wears a cat outfit complete with tail.

 And lots of blood.

It’s an odd mix. One can’t help but wonder if a much longer series, perhaps something along the lines of Summer Time Rendering, would play out more effectively. Or, maybe the speed with which major plot points are introduced and resolved, especially in the last of the four episodes, is a good thing.

We don’t get a lot of time to think about plot holes and inconsistencies. Things do play out very rapidly and the surprises that do come have been telegraphed, but faintly.

The animation and artwork are serviceable, but certainly not on the level of, say, Suzume or Tengoku Daimakyou. But this short but effective horror tale makes its points quite efficiently. 

Review copyright (c) 2023 by Dennis D. McDonald

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