Website copyright © 2002-2025 by Dennis D. McDonald. From Alexandria, Virginia I support proposal writing & management, content and business development, market research, and strategic planning. I also a practice and support cursive handwriting. My email: My bio: here.

Jumping On the Amanda of Rocketboom Bandwagon

OK, call me clueless. But I don't care if Amanda is leaving Rocketboom. It's about as important to me as Katie Couric moving to the network evening news. Watching talking heads reading news is, in my opinion, an incredibly inefficient way to keep up with what's going on; I've commented about this elsewhere and don't see the need to recant.

(I'm sure there's some beta-status social networking tools somewhere that, upon reading one of my  feeds and parsing it via a highly proprietary algorithm, I'm being rated down on some "coolness" measure. So be it.)

That said, there probably is some significance to the Amanda of Rocketboom hoopla. Gautam Ghosh points out in a new post on his management blog that "it's all happening online."  All the tawdry details of firing, betrayal, redemption, and job offers appear to be all occurring in plan sight -- how's that for "social networking"?



A Master's Dissertation on Blogs and Project Management

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