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Movie review by Dennis D. McDonald

Theatrical Release

This is a really over-the-top movie. Snyder throws everything at the screen and it shows. As convoluted as the story is we see a violence-laden comic book come to life in all its explosive glory.

The underlying conflict between the two cape wearers is rooted both in childhood trauma and fear of aliens. It’s a heady mix that’s not entirely convincing but that’s not why we’re watching. We’ve come to see these guys duke it out and in this regard we’re not disappointed.

The action sequences are simultaneously comic-bookish but exhilarating. Plus — and this is a real surprise, at least for me — people get hurt in this movie. Buildings and lives are destroyed. This is not just another movie where an unfortunate city gets leveled as a backdrop as wisecracking cartoon characters work out their petty jealousies. Metropolis and Gotham City suffer the consequences. As often as we’ve seen cities fall on film, the destruction portrayed here is all too real.

It’s an immensely satisfying movie. Plot twists and turns are plentiful. Familiar characters and artifacts from the DC comic universe are sprinkled throughout and make lasting impressions. I think “sequels” to this film will have a hard time topping this one.

Ultimate Edition

The extra 30 minutes make the film seem even more complete. Character motivations are better understood, plot points are clearer, and even the final battle makes more sense. Lois Lane and Wonder Woman are both given more onscreen time. Affleck is even more impressive as Batman. This is the film that should have been released theatrically.

Review copyright (c) 2016 by Dennis D. McDonald