Dennis D. McDonald ( consults from Alexandria Virginia. His services include writing & research, proposal development, and project management.

Neill Blomkamp's DISTRICT 9

Neill Blomkamp's DISTRICT 9

A Movie Review by Dennis D. McDonald

This is an imaginative and exciting film:

  • We get to see a different setting (South Africa) for an alien visitation rather than Los Angeles or New York.
  • The illustrated political and cultural conflicts have a disquieting sense of reality.
  • There are flashes of humor throughout.
  • The action sequences are superb.
  • The weapons and advanced technology are really neat.
  • Peter Jackson’s WETA has finally outdone the special effects of Gollum and King Kong.

The clash of cultures depicted has much precedent. Subjugation of one “race” by another is a historical reality. Extending this concept to humans versus aliens does not require a leap of faith.

The film is not for everybody. Its “R” rating is deserved due to the frequent — and exciting — clashes of the film’s multiple warring factions. But I strongly recommend it as a very thoughtful and thought provoking piece of science fiction.

Review copyright (c) 2009 by Dennis D. McDonald



Peter Docter's UP

Peter Docter's UP