Monster Man
Movie Review by Dennis D. McDonald
A bar full of amputee rednecks. Road trip guys chased by giant monster truck driven by faceless horror. Sexy scantily-clad hitchhiker. Giant pentagrams. Headless corpses. Fart jokes. Blood and gore up the wazoo. Road kill fantasies. This movie has it all.
Plus decent production values, a good — and funny — script, wonderful makeup, and interesting characters.

Monster Man is just what the doctor ordered when you’re tired of the serious stuff and want to get down and dirty with choice, grade-A, drive-in-quality cinema.
I am told by my niece and nephew, who are true cognoscenti, that Monster Man is a cut above the rest. I believe it. I gave up half way through Jeepers Creepers due to boredom, and I thought that Day of the Dead sucked the big weenie. But Monster Man is clever, funny, and — dare I say it — scary in parts. Not bad, not bad at all.
I’ve added another dozen or so horror movies to my Netflix queue, so there!
Review copyright (c) 2004 by Dennis D. McDonald