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Lucky McKee's MAY

Lucky McKee's MAY

The Movie

This is a disturbing comedy-horror film that manages to tell a unique story about unique characters. We get to know some pretty weird people with whom we almost sympathize by the end of the film.

I say almost since May, after all, is a psychotic serial killer. But, as with Hannibal Lecter, we get to know her in a way that illuminates a real personality to which, like it or not, we are both attracted and repelled.

May's day job is assisting a veterinarian. She thrives on the gross things she has to do. At night she sews and fantasizes about friends and boyfriends -- out loud to the doll in a glass box she has had since childhood, when her one lazy eye scared away potential friend. She has spent all her young life accommodating to this isolation.

She calls the silent doll "her best friend." Is it because it is not judgmental? Or is it just because it can't talk? Who knows. All we can say with certainty is that the doll is weird, as is May's relationship to it. And when May finally falls in love with a normal human, there is hell to pay.

Bits and pieces of humor and extremely clever dialog help to make this movie one of a kind.  But there's no turning away from the fact that we are watching a very disturbed individual here, sort of an alien version of the nerdy girl Gilda Radner played on SNL many years ago who was constantly getting "noogies" from BIll Murray. (Think of Gilda's character keeping a dead cat in her refrigerator on top of the popsicles and you begin to get the idea.)

So don't just expect blood and guts with this movie. There's serious well-made weirdness going on here.


There are two moderately interesting commentary tracks, each featuring director McKee with acting or production teams.

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