Movie review by Dennis D. McDonald

Jae-yeong Jeong
A young man, depressed, tries to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge. Instead he washes up onto a small island in the middle of the river and is cut off from the city. Failing again to kill himself he takes up residence on the island and scrapes by an existence.

Min-heui Hong
Meanwhile, a reclusive and emotionally fragile young woman living with her parents in a a high rise apartment building across the river spies him via telescope from the bedroom she hasn’t left in 3 years. An improbable relationship develops.
I know it doesn’t sound like much but it’s one of the best films I’ve seen all year. It’s all about personality, relationships, self discovery, and growth. It’s gorgeously photographed, simultaneously funny and touching, and it features wonderful performances by Min-heui Hong and Jae-yeong Jeong.
There are no guns, no explosions, no sex, and little action. The movie progresses slowly. We get to know these two people gradually. Each is working out personal demons yet they find something in common from afar. It’s tempting to call this a “feel good movie” but it’s much more than that.
Review copyright (c) 2012 by Dennis D. McDonald.