A movie review by Dennis D. McDonald

This is a fun movie. It’s exciting, funny, tense in spots, and sometimes just plain silly. You definitely get your money’s worth AND you don’t have to watch one more battle in space or the destruction of a major city.
Sure, the plot of times reads like an old coincidence-heavy TV series. That’s balanced by plot twists, clever dialogue, and a preference for action over excessive cruelty or sadism.

There are plot holes and contrivances aplenty. That doesn’t matter. What you do get is another Tom Cruise action film with world-class production values, spectacular stunts, ridiculous electronics, exotic locations, and attention to character detail.
It’s hard to say which action sequences are best: Tom Cruise hanging from the outside of an airplane when it takes off? The motorcycle chase? The opera house? Tom Cruise holding his breath? The knife fight?
This is a great summer movie and I think this matches and in some ways exceeds the recent Bond films. But let’s not get too serious here. This is a popcorn film of the highest order. We have learned to expect no less from Crazy Guy Cruise.
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