Website copyright © 2002-2025 by Dennis D. McDonald. From Alexandria, Virginia I support proposal writing & management, content and business development, market research, and strategic planning. I also a practice and support cursive handwriting. My email: My bio: here.

Using ChatGPT To Edit Your Own Stuff

Using ChatGPT To Edit Your Own Stuff

One of the challenges of managing one's own website and what goes on it is editing the text that you, the author, have written.

In my own case, whether my post is a tech-related essay or a book or media review, I'm always finding errors later on that I should have caught the first time around, some spelling, some grammatical, some just plain typos. I've made some attempts in the past to use ChatGPT to "edit for spelling and grammar" but didn't like the results; what came out at the other end didn't really sound like I had written it.

This time around I tried something different with a new book review of Emilia McKenzie's graphic memoir, "But You Have Friends." The link in the previous sentence goes to the final review as well as the text I input to ChatGPT, the text being the raw text my iPhone's Word app generated when I read the review I had first written in cursive.

This time around I was pleased with the results -- maybe because I did not ask ChatGPT "to edit for grammar"!

Copyright (c) 2024 by Dennis D. McDonald

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