All in Social Network Portability

Apple, iPods, and Personal Data Portability

I've been busy lately. My blogging has suffered. I've tried to update my blog's "daily notes" (located on my home page and archived here) but that's about it. I'm working offline on some longer white papers, I'm starting a new client project next week, I've been involved in a non-stop series of proposals and statements of work, and I've had to keep my plants watered during the drought here on the U.S. East Coast. Meanwhile, there are some really interesting "tech" things going on.

More Thoughts on Developing a Social Network "Portable Relationship Map" Standard

A couple of days ago I posted Do We Need “Portable Relationship Maps” for Social Networks? There I expressed some skepticism about the feasibility of developing a standard for mapping social and professional relationships, over and above basic personal description or identity data, that could be portable between social networking systems.
In A Map of My Online Networking Tools: Part 1 I described the use of the MindMeister, a "mind mapping" tool, to display an organized list of the sites I use in relation to personal and professional networking.A different type of tool for mapping relationships that I have written about before is Kartoo. Kartoo displays relationships among web sites based on links and concept groupings.

Should We Be Able to Buy and Sell our Personal Financial and Medical Data?

When I first heard about USA Today breaking the NSA domestic phone spying scandal involving the major long distance phone companies, I wasn’t surprised. I won’t even be surprised when, in the next few months, word leaks out that Federal agencies are also involved in non-court-approved electronic screening of domestic call traffic looking for specific words and word combinations.

Who Controls Personal Data?

Back in the Day, my favorite Latin quote was an example of the Ablative Absolute: “Eo Imperium Tenente, Eventum Timeo.” Loosely translated, this means, “Because he holds the power, I fear the outcome.” In some ways, fear and uncertainty exist today since, in many cases, people don’t understand, or even know, who has the “power” over how their personal data are used.

Proposed: A Choice-Based Approach to Controlling the Commercial Exploitation of Personal Data

Today significant commercial trafficking occurs in personal information. Credit bureaus, research companies, insurance firms, and corporations regularly buy and sell personal information. While much of this trafficking may be benign, most is either unknown to, or beyond the control of, the individuals this personal information describes.