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By Dennis D. McDonald

The subtitle of this book is “Caught in the Mystery of the Monarch Butterfly.” I was caught by this book’s beguiling tone, its lovely writing, and its respect for science and the mystery of the unknown that drives people to “do science.”

We learn much about the behaviors and the enigmas of the monarch butterfly and its mysterious migration behavior. We also learn much about the people who work to reveal these mysteries. Some work from within traditional academic science. Others operate as “lone wolves” and spend their time in the field pursuing their own research agendas with support from volunteers from all over the continent.

Halpern is an exquisite writer. She encapsulates thoughtfulness, sensitivity, and intellectual curiosity in a manner that is both unique and refreshing. Given the profound nature of the questions raised by the monarch butterfly’s behavior, the match between the subject and the author in this book is nearly perfect.

Copyright (c) 2008 by Dennis D. McDonald